
This post will probably stir up all sorts of debate, but …

… we all know I’m, well, candid.

Blunt, if you’d rather.

So here’s the thing:

We’re not supposed to talk about being overweight with our kids for fear of turning them into little anorexics or bulimics.


From everything I read, obesity seems to be the bigger affliction right now. And it carries just as many risks as the other eating disorders.

Still, you’re instructed by all the parenting experts to avoid discussions about being fat because you might end up making your kids think they have to starve themselves.

So I’m not sure how one is supposed to encourage a healthy lifestyle with one’s children if one isn’t supposed to address the risks of being too heavy.

And now? I’m worried about offending people who read this.  Because it’s OK to talk about how anorexia is bad, but it’s NOT OK to talk about being obese.


(This topic came up because tonight Tootie wandered into the living room when The Biggest Loser was on.)

8 thoughts on “Conflicted

  1. I guess it’s a balance issue. (Oh how I am starting to love the toddler years, where all you have to say is “no touch!” to about 20 million things every day)

    My parents never talked to us about these sorts of things. Matter of fact, during a conversation last night my mother asked me “Did I ever make you kids breakfast?”


  2. Mine didn’t either, Kristin. Or if they did, I don’t remember. There seems to be so much emphasis now though on both obesity AND eating disorders. Makes it very confusing.


  3. I totally agree and well written!! Healthy lifestyle should be talked about and pros of it and cons of being unhealthy no matter which way the scales tip literally. They wouldn’t make tv shows on prime time family time if they didn’t want to stir up conversation about it. The experts need to reevaluate the real world that we live in!!! 🙂


    1. It’s all so contradictory!

      We don’t watch the Biggest Loser, but when Hubs was changing channels, he stopped on it while looking at the TV guide. So of course, that prompted questions from Tootie.


  4. That is funny that you posted this. Last night Bear almost started crying because she thinks she’s fat. We had just eaten a big meal and all of us were full. I assured her that she is not fat, then she continued to ask why her belly is fatter than mine. I quickly lifted up my shirt and asked said who? We both laughed and she was fine after that. Yes, I want her to eat healthy but not worry about being “fat”!


  5. I’d say instead of talking about being overweight or underweight, you talk about it in terms of health. Healthy eating. Healthy exercise. So that we are stronger and feel better. I wouldn’t use the term “fat” and I don’t let my kids. I find that it’s most difficult not to call MYSELF those ugly words. One of my sisters says that any time her daughter brings up how she doesn’t like parts of her body for one reason or another, she thinks of something positive to say about how well her body works for her. If she says her legs are too big, she says, but they help you run fast and climb steps.


    1. Thus far, that’s what we’ve focused on: Being healthy so that your body will be able to do all the things you want it to. Today’s kids are just bombarded with society’s expectations. As a parent, I feel like we have such a very fine line on which to talk. Very frustrating!


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